How are you?
I’m Fran SRdD
My Advocacy: Foster Self-Leadership through Purpose-Based Leadership. I like to learn more & share about the Human Biology & its Brain-Mind-Body-Behavior Synergy as this is critical to understanding our own and our people’s behavioral tendencies and influences. Check out my blogs, books, free online courses, & my services/workshops to learn more!
Fran SRdD
Passionate About Learning, Sharing & Purpose
Author | Speaker | Life-Purpose Coach | Neuroscience Coach | Self-Leadership Coach | Leadership Development Coach | Founder/Managing Director of Fraoel Consulting | Training Director (BPO)
I would like to share with you my background and see if I can help you in the areas I am experienced in and passionate about.
I have been in training and leadership development for 20 years now. I earned my Master’s Degree in Biology and eventually explored the corporate world. I like to use my science background to help leaders lead themselves and their people better. I am always passionate about the Science of everything and still continuously learning by taking Neuroscience and Education online courses at Harvard Online.
I am the Founder & Managing Director of Fraoel Consulting focusing on self-leadership & leadership development utilizing the knowledge of human biology. While I run my own consulting business, part-time, I am also currently a Training Director in one of the biggest players in the BPO industry in the Philippines.
I would like to be able to reach more people through my blogs and by publishing my ideas and my journals. I independently published all my books through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, and you can find them at my Books Project website.
I believe that the real wealth is health and I committed to being Vegetarian, and have been for about 5 years now. I learned the best way of losing weight and keeping my desired weight by combining my love for journaling and my knowledge of Biology. You can get a copy of my digital health journal at and take the same health journey.
To take time off of the cerebral stuff I am doing, I go back to my favorite childhood play- designing and making dresses! I used to just draw them on paper and cut them out to try on my paper doll! My simple designs are available at the Fraoel Shop.
Like a lot of Filipinos, I enjoy art & music. I sketch the faces of great leaders and influencers I feature in my Leadership Project blog to honor them. I also like writing songs. All my original music is available on Spotify and Apple Music. I also enjoy doing song covers and sharing them on my YouTube Channel, Projects by Fran.
I am so humbled to be awarded one of the Most Talented Training & Development Leaders in the Philippines 2019 during the 14th Employer Branding Awards by Employer Branding Institute.
That’s it! Oh, wait! Hear me out by dropping by my Podcast, Projects by Fran on Spotify!
Enough about me! What about you? Tell me what you are passionate about! You actually have a free 30-minute consultation with me or for any inquiries about my services and all you do is fill out the contact form below to reach me! Talk soon!
“Before you go, don’t forget that YOU are a Masterpiece!”